Thursday 12 April 2012

My take on Pain aux Raisins

After making little Chelsea buns, I was wondering if I could make these a bit classier.... like Pain aux Raisins which I can't resist buying in the patisserie. I love the buttery flaky pastry with custard and raisins.  However, sometimes I fancy a lighter version, something like bread based Pain aux Raisins. So, here is my little bread version of  Pain aux Raisins. I used dried mixed fruit instead of only raisins to give more interesting flavour and texture. Well, I didn't make the custard though I could have done. I cheated by making custard from instant custard powder. I thought I had got rid of it, but the last packet was still there in my cupboard, and I had to use it up. I made the custard very thick in consistency and let it cool. I also soaked the dried fruits with some hot water to plump them up. You could soak the fruit with apple juice instead of water.
I made a half quantity of bread dough, but added 2 tsp of sugar before adding water. After the first raising, I flattened the dough and spread the custard all over. Then I sprinkled the mixed dried fruit. I carefully rolled up the dough as if I was making a Swiss roll, and cut this Swiss roll look dough into pieces about 2cm in width and flattened them. I placed them on a baking plate, then baked  in a 200c fan oven for 15 minutes.

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